How to convert Erc20 Ruff to Heco Ruff. Send erc20 Ruff to RUFF official address: 0x5a3B02B7Bed39481C52222046174CeAD1BEf73c5.
07 May 2021, 12:02
How to convert Erc20 Ruff to Heco Ruff
1. Send erc20 Ruff to RUFF official address: 0x5a3B02B7Bed39481C52222046174CeAD1BEf73c5
2. Use Huobi Wallet or TP Wallet to create a Heco wallet address & send it to us
3. We‘ll send Heco Ruff the next day
4. Exchange ratio Erc20:Heco=1:0.75
Same news in other sources
107 May 2021, 12:02
How to convert Erc20 Ruff to Heco Ruff
1. Send erc20 Ruff to RUFF official address: 0x5a3B02B7Bed39481C52222046174CeAD1BEf73c5
2. Use Huobi Wallet or TP Wallet to create a Heco wallet address & send it to us
3. We‘ll send Heco Ruff the next day
4. Exchange ratio Erc20:Heco=1:0.75
How to convert Erc20 Ruff to Heco Ruff. Send erc20 Ruff to RUFF official address: 0x5a3B02B7Bed39481C52222046174CeAD1BEf73c5.
How to convert Erc20 Ruff to Heco Ruff
1. Send erc20 Ruff to RUFF official address: 0x5a3B02B7Bed39481C52222046174CeAD1BEf73c5
2. Use Huobi Wallet or TP Wallet to create a Heco wallet address & send it to us
3. We‘ll send Heco Ruff the next day
4. Exchange ratio Erc20:Heco=1:0.75